World of Ecom Business / Ecommerce Professionals 2024 – 383k records CSV


Ecommerce & all related Business & Professional Contact Database. Published: October 2024. Guaranteed Accuracy: At Least 85% Valid Data.

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Ecommerce & all related Business & Professional Contact Database. Published: October 2024. Guaranteed Accuracy: At Least 85% Valid Data.

Country Coverage: 

united 274455
states 251610
null 62155
kingdom 22269
canada 7659
france 5431
australia 4140
germany 3068
netherlands 2642
brazil 2148
spain 1794
italy 1761
india 1618
switzerland 1064
sweden 1008
ireland 826
new 755
zealand 755
mexico 730
china 656
belgium 629
singapore 592
arab 576
emirates 576
denmark 543
south 533
argentina 512
portugal 471
hong 466
kong 466
israel 457
poland 443
russia 434
africa 411
norway 329
philippines 311
austria 297
turkey 294
finland 290
arabia 278

Inclusive of:

  • Decision-makers
  • Business details for various roles in the Ecommerce industry worldwide

Example Roles / Keywords:

ecommerce 123623
manager 97509
and 78884
director 74252
marketing 52158
of 52063
e 47067
commerce 46050
null 41869
president 29513
senior 25832
vice 23606
digital 21929
telecommunications 18210
operations 13969
head 13260
vp 12706
technology 12433
sales 12137
global 11380
chief 10881
officer 10789
product 10571
engineer 9813
it 9661
development 9465
business 9388
specialist 9241
executive 9168
information 8728
analyst 8126
telecom 7564
sr 7443
project 7250
ceo 6750
owner 6044
human 5710
management 5502
resources 5416
services 5219
web 5013
network 4893

Generated from Real-World Internal Databases (2024)

Proven Results:

  • High-Quality Data: Not a scrape or low-quality source, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
  • Optimized for Response: Utilizing a random mail blast approach has yielded an impressive 60% open rate in our testing.

What to Expect:

  • Decision-makers and business contacts across the ecommerce industry
  • Comprehensive business details, including roles and social connections.
  • A high-quality dataset that can be trusted for targeted marketing or sales efforts

DATA: Fullname / Email / Job position / Organization – biz name / Country / City / Phone / Company website / Company Facebook / Company twitter-X Company LinkedIn / Personal LinkedIn.







