
Turkey – Citizenship health database (internal data from Public Health Management System) – 101 million records

Original price was: €326.12.Current price is: €262.71.

In November 2022, the Turkish Citizens Health Database “Halk Sağlığı Yönetim Sistemi” (HSYS) ( suffered a data breach that impacted 100 over million citizens. The attack led to the exposure of data including Full names, Dates of birth, General location (City & District), Parents names and Parents ID Numbers.

Compromised data: Citizen ID Numbers, Full names, Dates of birth, General location (City & District), Parents names, Parents ID Numbers. This leak is over 23.54GB uncompressed and 8.92GB compressed.

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Published September 2023. Original government data from Nov 2022 leak.

Download contains 3 files – .MYD, .FRM, MYI => This is a huge MySQL database:
MYD contains the data, FRM contains the table structure, and MYI contains the index for your data.

Google “import mysql MYD FRM MYI files” for importing instructions.
