Chicago Business Licenses and owners – 1M lines CSV


Chicago Business Licenses and owners is a comprehensive digital product and database designed to provide valuable information about businesses in the Chicago area. With over 1 million entries, it offers an extensive and detailed view of the city’s commercial landscape.

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Published Nov 2024

The Chicago Business License Database is a comprehensive digital resource designed for entrepreneurs, researchers, and policymakers interested in the business landscape of Chicago. This database consists of two interconnected files:

      1. Business Owners File: This file contains detailed information about business owners in Chicago, including their legal names, account numbers, and contact details. Key headers include:
            • Account Number
            • Legal Name
            • Owner First Name
            • Owner Middle Initial
            • Owner Last Name
            • Suffix
            • Legal Entity Owner
            • Title
      1. Licenses File: This file provides an exhaustive list of active business licenses issued by the City of Chicago, detailing the regulatory framework that governs local businesses. Important headers include:
            • ID
            • LICENSE ID
            • LEGAL NAME
            • ADDRESS
            • LICENSE CODE
            • APPLICATION TYPE
            • LICENSE STATUS

Business licenses issued by the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection in the City of Chicago from 2006 to the 2024. This dataset contains a large number of records/rows of data.

Data fields requiring description are detailed below:

      • APPLICATION TYPE: ‘ISSUE’ is the record associated with the initial license application. ‘RENEW’ is a subsequent renewal record. All renewal records are created with a term start date and term
        expiration date. ‘C_LOC’ is a change of location record. It means the business moved. ‘C_CAPA’ is a change of capacity record. Only a few license types may file this type of application. ‘C_EXPA’ only applies to businesses that have liquor licenses. It means the business location
      • LICENSE STATUS: ‘AAI’ means the license was issued. ‘AAC’ means the license was cancelled
        during its term. ‘REV’ means the license was revoked. ‘REA’ means the license revocation has
        been appealed.
      • LICENSE STATUS CHANGE DATE: This date corresponds to the date a license was cancelled
        (AAC), revoked (REV) or appealed (REA).

