Warmed-up domains and IP addresses service

Are you experiencing low deliverability rates when sending email campaigns from your own domains??


Our service is designed to assist you with a distinctive solution for sending emails through our network of pre-approved domains and IP addresses, ensuring that your messages reach the intended recipients.

We employ a strategy of warmed-up domains and IP addresses in a constant rotation during campaigns. These domains and addresses undergo regular monitoring against blacklists and are utilized to send legitimate emails. This approach guarantees that your emails are not flagged as spam or blocked by email providers.

Warmed-up Domains and IP’s is a paid service extension of our Email Blaster platform, which is billed based on the volume and recipient domains involved. Read more on Email Blaster and service plans hereEmail Blaster is web based comprehensive solution that provides a seamless experience for users to get started with campaign sending in a short time frame and includes an API, number of advanced features such as customizable templates, contact management tools, and detailed reporting/analytics, as well as other valuable features.


This extension offers additional features, including Email Sender Address Spoofing and Link Masking, using our pool of domains and URLs in rotation.

Contact us with your requirements.