USA detailed business and customer database

Powering end-to-end marketing & sales solutions for your business in USA

Partnering with a major info providers from USA, MediumAxis delivers a full range of affordable sales and marketing solutions to help businesses acquire, manage and retain customers. Powered by the highest quality business and consumer contact databases, these solutions include targeted marketing lists, direct marketing solutions, and ongoing sales leads.

Data Quality

At MediumAxis, we understand that accurate data is a key component of your business’s growth. That’s why we invest new resources every year and dedicate new full-time researchers to ensure our business and consumer records are continuously updated.

Detailed Information

The records in our database contain a wide variety of details to help you better target your marketing and sales messages and make more informed business decisions.


Available information includes:

  • Business name
  • Phone number
  • Primary and secondary addresses
  • Key contacts (name, gender, title, email address)
  • Number of employees
  • Year established
  • Industry (SIC/NAICS codes)
  • Franchise and brand information
  • Headquarters, branch, and subsidiary information
  • Sales volume
  • Square footage
  • Credit rating

Business Sales Leads Selections

There are hundreds of selections available to slice and dice the data to get to just the right list for your business. Send your requirements and goals, then we will build your list.

Type of Business

The easiest way to identify businesses. So complete  and specific, you can precisely pinpoint your  hottest prospects!


Our lists are conveniently organized according to the

U.S. Government’s Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Coding System. Businesses are categorized by general business activity or NAICS (North American Industrial Class System).

Number of Employees or Estimated  Sales Volume

Don’t waste your time with business prospects that are simply too big or small. Select businesses from our lists by number of employees or estimated sales volume.

Business Credit Rating Scores

Want to have some assurance that the company you market to can pay you? Our business credit rating scores are a good way to simplify your credit decisions. They also help you verify that the business really exists.

Geographic Area

Whether you market regionally or locally, we can help.  You can select prospects by state, county, ZIP Code,  metro area, or area code.

Street Address

Find all businesses located along a specific street (for example: all businesses from 72nd to 84th streets along Main Street).

Square Feet – % of Database

A  =  1–2,499 square feet 38%
B  =  2,500–9,999 square feet 43%
C  =  10,000–39,999 square feet 15%
D  =  40,000+ square feet   4%

Complex Selections

We can select a list according to your needs. You’re limited  only by your imagination as we can combine any  criteria! Examples:

  • All Georgia businesses with 10–99 employees.
  • All Phoenix area wholesalers (SIC codes 50–51)  with $5 million or more in sales.

Radius From Address

Locate prospects within miles or blocks of your business or a recent sale.

Title of Executive

Identify key decision-makers by title—helping you reach the individual who has the final buying decision. Some of the titles available: owner, president, CEO, VP of marketing, COO, CFO, manager, chairman, etc.

Executives by Ethnicity

Capitalize on the unique interests and spending patterns  of more than 15 different ethnic groups.

Business Expenses

Target your marketing efforts based on a company’s past spending on services such as accounting, advertising, insurance, technology, and more.

Franchise, Brand, or Professional Specialty

Identify those businesses carrying specific brands (such as “Toro lawn mower dealers” or “Cadillac auto dealers”).  A complete list of professional specialties (cardiologists, pediatricians, etc.) also is available.

Business Specialty Lists

You can’t afford to waste any resources, especially in today’s competitive business environment. Our targeted lists of businesses can help you zero in on companies most likely to buy from you. Unlike the shotgun approach, our targeted lists will help you save money, increase deliverability, and boost your response rate.

Fortune 1000™ Companies

This list offers key information on business leaders at the 1,000 largest companies. These companies need new skills, products, and technology to stay ahead of the competition. You have immediate access to the biggest decision-makers in the nation.

215,000 Big Businesses

Imagine the tremendous financial clout and  purchasing power of the top 215,000 companies with 100+ employees. Who needs this file? Anyone selling business insurance, investments, executive recruitment, corporate training, and more. Select by type of business, number of employees, sales volume, geographic area, executive title, franchise, and brand or professional specialty. We have many other selections available to help you target exactly the right prospects.

593,000 Manufacturers

Find virtually any manufacturer in the country with this database. You have immediate access to those with the greatest buying potential. Plus, the business profiles and  credit rating scores will help you make better decisions.

1.7 Million Home Businesses

Thousands of professionals are opting for the freedom and flexibility of the home-based business. We have built a specialized list of these valuable, yet hard-to-reach businesses. This list is ideal for anyone selling business forms, computer equipment, printing and courier services, telecommunication products, and more.

56,000 Growing Businesses

Growing businesses need a multitude of products to keep them rising to the top. As they grow, their wealth and buying power does, too. This list of key companies provides prospects for commercial real estate, building contractors, human resources services, computer and office equipment, and more.

3.8 Million Small Business Owners

This fast-growing group represents immense wealth and buying power. This database contains prime prospects for computer sales, accounting and payroll services, banking services, printing, signs, and temporary help.

13 Million Executives

Go straight to key decision makers at the businesses you want to target. You can search from 54 titles as well as industry, business size, credit rating, geography, and more to create the perfect mailing list for your  business needs.

1.5 Million Canadian Businesses

Our telephone-verified database of 1.5 million businesses in Canada contains valuable information on businesses of all sizes. With this list, you can target virtually any company, including new businesses, manufacturers, small businesses, executives, professionals, and more.

UCC Filings

Find new customers with our UCC lists. Each record includes detailed information from our U.S. Business database, including phone numbers, SIC and NAICS codes, sales volume, NCOA addresses, contact names, and more.