Worldwide – a community email list (spirit, eco, consciousness) – 44.5k emails
Friendly Favors (FF) is a Web based community online since August 1999, consisting presently of 69,641 participants, living in 199 countries.
- We are a diverse group of good people envisioning a world that works for all.
- We support each other’s projects by sharing our know-how, connections and resources.
- We report generosity and encourage goodwill by giving referrals and Thankyou’s.
You are welcome to explore our features and to apply using the menu above.
Participation is FREE and by invitation. Unsponsored applicants receive a unique number and password to login, and once in can use Find and Events to locate and personally meet sponsoring members (FF Sponsors or Networkers) that may agree to invite you into our network’s web of trust.
Participant’s privacy is maintained by giving each person control over their own profile and by allowing each user to select the level of access others may have to their data. Initial communication is via blind email, where the sender does not see the receiver’s email address, this prevents spam and allows each participant the option of becoming unavailable for one person at a time. Anonymity and fictitious names are discouraged; therefore unsponsored applicants enjoy limited access until they are positively identified.
Published September 2023. Validated.