Mail Blast Now (no domain or setup required, no censorship) 100k emails


Start sending in 5 minutes with our warmed-up domains / infrastructure

With us, you can start sending your email blasts in just five minutes — no setup or personal domain required.

Just pay, upload your list, compose a message and send it, without leaving our website!  

We’ll deliver your blast with our set of whitelisted email domains in constant rotation to get the best results.

Our service utilizes a rotating pool of warmed-up domains, ensuring that your emails are not only delivered but also achieve optimal inbox placement across major email service providers like Google Mail, Office 365, Yahoo, and AOL. 

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Send 100000 without censorship and with a best delivery rate.

Our platform offers perfect delivery rates backed by detailed live reporting, giving you real-time insights into your campaign’s performance.

  • No censorship
  • Powerful & fast data processing servers
  • Random link masking and tracking of every link
  • Tags/macros/variables everywhere (allowed even in masked links)
  • Detailed reporting with option to exclude bots
  • Huge list support & powerful management (full history for each record with details)
  • A set of warmed up domains and IP’s, constantly monitored for RBL (no more than 20% of blacklisted sending domains at any moment + 2 retries on random domain in case of sending failure)
  • Drag & Drop editor + customisable email templates / HTML
  • API (PHP, Python, JS) / Segmentation / Autoresponder / Custom actions / Spam traps blacklist + dead boxes blacklist
  • Other professional features