Gaming Development & all related Business & Professional Contact Database. Published: October 2024. Guaranteed Accuracy: At Least 85% Valid Data.
Country Coverage:
united 83585
states 77256
null 56725
kingdom 6262
canada 2979
germany 1806
australia 1488
france 1199
brazil 911
spain 904
india 790
netherlands 702
israel 638
finland 600
china 599
russia 506
sweden 436
malta 413
south 367
poland 356
ukraine 343
italy 342
ireland 288
mexico 277
argentina 252
denmark 252
turkey 230
korea 216
japan 208
singapore 194
belarus 180
philippines 162
africa 151
iceland 135
hong 131
kong 131
belgium 123
Inclusive of:
- Decision-makers
- Business details for various roles in the gaming / development industry worldwide
Example Roles / Keywords:
null 62957
manager 18149
director 15706
marketing 10848
senior 7610
president 6797
founder 6557
ceo 6006
game 5881
engineer 5329
vice 4753
product 4303
chief 4156
officer 3904
operations 3796
developer 3725
development 3659
technology 3311
head 3245
vp 3219
owner 3152
business 3015
games 2914
software 2758
gaming 2737
designer 2677
executive 2628
lead 2622
it 2477
information 2408
sales 2264
human 2225
resources 2143
hr 1983
global 1936
Generated from Real-World Internal Databases (2024)
Proven Results:
- High-Quality Data: Not a scrape or low-quality source, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
- Optimized for Response: Utilizing a random mail blast approach has yielded an impressive 60% open rate in our testing.
What to Expect:
- Decision-makers and business contacts across the industry
- Comprehensive business details, including roles and social connections.
- A high-quality dataset that can be trusted for targeted marketing or sales efforts
DATA: Fullname / Email / Job position / Organization – biz name / Country / City / Phone / Company website / Company Facebook / Company twitter-X Company LinkedIn / Personal LinkedIn.