Russia – MTS bank (mts dot ru) 2022 customer database 2022 – 2.854M records
Russia – MTS bank (mts dot ru) 2022 customer database 2022 – 2.854M records
Russian MTS bank customer database CSV => phone, FLM names, internal customer number, account, birth date. Sample below.
icusid ccusfullname ccusinn ccitizenship cgender dbirthdate cmainphonenum
939084 КУДИНОВ ВЛАДИМИР ГЕННАДЬЕВИЧ “263507934871” РОССИЯ M 1955-11-28 +79887415988
Russia – Mobile telecom customer database 2022 – 2.824M records
Free Russian mobile telecom customer database download. 2.824M records (JSON), contains some win1251 encoding. Sample below.
“_id”: {
“$oid”: “62254d9a94e7949915d10452”
“fullname”: “Андреев Сергей Николаевич”,
“birth_date”: “21.05.1983”,
“email”: “”,
“region”: “”,
“phones”: [
“phone_date”: “15.02.2008”,
“car”: null
Russia – Digital and home appliances shopping network customer data 462MB (DNS shops) – 40.000 records
Get a customer email list (2023) of largest Russian home appliances shopping network. Data contains nickname, phone, email, full name. DNS is one of the market leaders in the sale of digital and home appliances in Russia. CSV file contains: nickname, phone number, email, full name. Data partially contains Cyrillic names (win1251 encoding).